Saturday, February 5, 2011

Random shits in English again

  1. I succeed removing my tonsil after a couple of critical operation. My tonsil bleed after 2 day of post operation and I bleed like a river and past out in an ambulance. I was soaking wet with my own blood due to a constant vomiting. Some blood that bleed from the tonsil almost flooding my lung and my stomach. I past out for 2 days and detain in ICU after that back to normal ward almost a week.
  2. No one of my friend came to visit me only my closed family, but still I felt alone
  3. Back on my feet , I feel fresh and ready to go to work and do normal thing but still cant't eat my favorite foods especially the spicy one.
  4. I quit smoking due to lack of interest and bad after taste maybe, it was positive side effect of the tonsillectomy operation.
  5. Too may jobs and works I left behind and still trying to catch up.


KH@LiD said...

Sorry cannot be there for ya Nan... hope everything went well for you.
(still in a fakap mood)

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Apa khabar Nan, haven't visited you for a while.

Sorry to hear about your op. Hope you get better soon.

Nan @ Nan Tsab said...

thanx every one, iam better now..

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